We all have our list of ‘lazy meals’ that we go to when we can’t really bare to think anymore about what to feed the family.
Although this salad looks a little fancy, it has become one of my ‘what to eat when I haven’t thought about what to eat’ meals.
The beauty of this recipe, if you can indeed call it one, is that you roast whatever you have on hand or needs using up. The day I took these photos, it was tomatoes, capsicums, potatoes and sweet potatoes, and I threw some asparagus in for the last 5 minutes of roasting time.
But the options are endless – beetroot, pumpkin, leeks, onions, carrot, zucchini – if it’s in your fridge or cupboard, wash it, chop it into even chunky sized pieces and throw it on the tray.
Drizzle with olive oil, season with salt and pepper, and scatter with some fresh or dried herbs – rosemary, thyme or oregano are often my choice for veggies like these.
If you cut them into small-ish chunks they should only take about 30 minutes in a 200 degree oven.
I like to let them cool for a moment, before tumbling onto a platter of mixed salad leaves. You could leave it at this and it would be fabulous, or to snaz it up a bit, add some goats cheese or fetta.
It is such a versatile dish – eat it on it’s own or alongside some protein like chicken, red meat or fish.
I often try to do a little extra, because a container of these veggies, cold the next day makes for a quick and yummy lunch.
Here’s to finding new inspiration to keep feeding our families without going mad!
E x